GaMarkus's Untitled Scuba Diving Tech Demo is a simple, web-based scuba diving prototype. This prototype attempted to create a more realistic-like diving environment that attempts to mimic various aspects found in real scuba diving. 

It is important to note that this is only a proof of concept. I'm not great at coding so nothing is accurately recreated 1:1. It is only a proof of concept that only adds a bit more realism to a simple diving game.

Yes, there is no audio. This is intentional due to size and performance limitations.

Basic Controls

WASD: Movement

Mouse: Look

R: Ascend

F: Descend

Diving Elements Roughly Recreated

Depth-based lightingDynamic air timeBuoyancy control
Velocity displayAscension warningOxygen toxicity
Nitrogen narcosisNitrogen saturationDCS
No Decompression TimeSimple buddy systemLocal fauna

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